After a number of years with the current mandatory training and exams for child care workers throughout the State of Florida, the Child Care Office of the Department of Children and Families realized they needed to reevaluate their mandatory training offerings and related exams.
The International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) is globally recognized as the leader in public safety certifications, having issued over 100,000 certificates in public safety. IMSA wanted to increase rigor in their certifications and provide radically updated training to their members as they prepared to take their certification exam in a specific discipline, such as Work Zone, Signs and Markings and Traffic Signal 1, that enabled certified individuals to maintain traffic signal cabinets.
Florida Department of Health PowerPoint trainings on program policy for Early Steps program staff greatly needed enhancements to increase interactivity and prime learners for performance improvement. The timeline to fix the suite of courses was aggressive, building more than 12 hours of eLearning in just over 3 months, split up into four-week interviews.
A regional Girl Scout council organization had recently merged two councils into one. Each council had a different culture, and the Executive Director over this new council structure wanted to create cultural uniformity.
The University of Texas Health Sciences Consortium (UTHSC) received government funding to build a suite of eLearning courses focused on achieving behavioral health awareness.
In 2015, the University of Montana embarked on strategic revisioning project that included realigning its and mission. They sought efficiencies through consolidation across programs. They also wanted to align research efforts with state and regional partners. Together, these would provide a relevant experiential education that would lead to better opportunities for graduates and economic development for the region.
Preventing fires is a fairly new important aspect of the fire fighter’s toolkit. Prevention means engaging in various activities in private home and commercial buildings that lead to a lower or eliminated likelihood of a fire occurring. However, firefighters are primed to fight fires, and when you are preventing fires from taking place, the main focus of firefighters’ efforts changes. The National Fire Academy understood that getting buy in by firefighting stations and their people all over the United States was going to be a heavy lift.
Bulli Ray trained public safety and service individuals, such as utility meter readers, to protect themselves from dog attacks when they had to venture into a homeowner’s yard. Bulli Ray also trained these individuals how to enter and be in the home to repair, for example, a plumbing leak, when dogs are present. This is an important set of skills to have, as dog bites can be life threatening.
The Florida Department of Children and Families (FLDCF) knew it had an obligation to deliver skill in recognizing and addressing issues of sexual harassment in the workplace. They wanted compliance training for their employees to be able to identify different types of sexual harassment and how to handle such issues. They also wanted to make sure that the managers of employees knew how to identify issues of sexual harassment, and make the right determination on how to address each issue once they had been made known of the event.
Leadership at a large farm insurance cooperative serving a number of western US states mandated that their head of workforce development find a different training model. Taking employees out of work for a week, two weeks, or more to get ‘trained up’ just wasn’t working to deliver consistent performance.