By: Sue Ebbers, Ph.D.

Experiential learning is ‘learning by doing’ and achieves far more dramatic positive results than by simply ‘telling’ people information and expecting them to figure it out on their own. But the reality is that most of us fall into the trap of telling our students information, without giving them the tools to succeed. And while giving them tools does not have to be complicated to produce effective learning outcomes, we suggest that it is far more difficult to do this without the instructional design skill set at your disposal.

In fact, we as instructional designers specialize in designing and developing experiential learning…be it face-to-face training, online eLearning, blended learning…even games and simulations for learning!

We can also build experiential learning for any target audience. For example, we built a six-hour simulation for senior GE executive that was specifically designed to develop a positive attitude towards funding – with significant resources – a process of manufacturing quality called “continuous improvement”.

In another case with the state of Florida, we helped preservice child welfare workers learn how to be effective in investigations, case management, and other skill sets through the authentic activities related to the application of a complex family history case chronicling the transmission of trauma and resilience through three generations of family and 18 family members of varying ages over a 40-year span of time.

State of Texas employees needed to know how to conduct surveillance on HIV. Our eLearning solution gave them the basics they needed through interaction and authentic decision-making to come up with the right things to do.

We’ve done it before and we can do it again – for you! Contact us to learn how we can up-skill your employees through experiential learning!