Change By Design May 2021 Newsletter

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May 20, 2021
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Springtime Musings and Happenings

Greetings Newsletter Subscriber,

This is the second edition of OOMPH, Change by Design's newsletter. Last month I was privileged to deliver a couple of major speeches to Association CEOs, consultants, and business owners, including my April 9 presentation to association CEOs at the Florida Society of Association Executive's (FSAE) CEO Roundtable. My presentation's topic, 'Grace & Grit: How to be a Peacemaker in Work and in Life' was about distinguishing between peacekeeping and peacemaking. To summarize:

Grace and Grit

Peacekeeping alone simply doesn't work. It imposes 'you shalt do' on others or mollifies them with rewards or perks. It's a bandaid. Peacekeeping makes things look like they're ok, but doesn't fundamentally solve underlying problems.

Peacemaking, on the other hand, addresses root causes and leads to effective sustainable solutions. It is a key reason why organizational change efforts succeed or fail Read more about this in the featured article below.

In April, I was also the featured speaker on a podcast hosted by colleague Maurine Kwende called "Empowerment Minutes". Additionally, I spoke with a graduate class on entrepreneurship in my field. Then we launched our first newsletter. And finally - exciting news - Change by Design won over $800K+ in client contracts. It was an incredibly busy month!

Speaking of our first newsletter – I hope you found it useful. It's a real work in progress, and during 2021, I'll probably try a few different approaches. We may even change the 'look' of the newsletter, so please be hang in there with me. I'd really love your feedback - just scroll down to the bottom to click on the stars or even write me an email with your recommendations.

I hope you are overcoming Zoom fatigue by enjoying late spring. Here in Tallahassee, it's been spectacular, and definitely a welcome change during this crazy Covid time. Thank you for checking in!

Authorsigned Sue Ebbers
Sue Ebbers
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Infusing Your Own Brand Of Capitalism With Heart

Our society in the United States of America is infused with a capitalist mindset. We typically assign the highest value to desired results when they are developed and delivered effectively and efficiently. For example, "convenience" often yields a premium price, as does a novel product. Take a straw poll in your board room, and you'll find most of us agree that this is exactly how it should be. In fact, we would likely not be in business if that weren't the case.

Article Image

In most companies, services and products produced are designed to deliver specific results, based on their sector. For instance, in the learning technologies business, a core competency is helping well-meaning organizations upskill people and improve their processes. But a company that...

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Change By Design has incorporated the practice of continuous improvement throughout our operations, which carries over into this publication. So we'd love to hear where we stumbled,
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