Change By Design January 2022 Newsletter
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January 20, 2022

How Many Golden Eggs Of Success Can The Goose Lay For You In 2022?

Happy Belated New Year *|FNAME|*!

This past month I've been getting back into the swing of things after a rejuvenating trip to Coppertoppe Inn in New Hampshire. Always the goal setter, I have set these New Years Resolutions:

  • Change by Design will double our sales numbers.
  • Our team will continue to deliver well-crafted, effective performance improvement solutions (both training and non-training) that meet the specific needs of each client.
  • I will personally grow our capacity by hiring respectful people who fit in our joyful culture, doing what they most enjoy at a high level, while being paid a good hourly rate.
  • I will begin building my speaking business.
  • My family will take 3 big vacations this year, and 3 mini-vacays in-between, for well-earned rest and renewal

Although there are no gym fitness goals this time around, I'm still keenly attuned to that frustrating feeling of failure that comes when a goal begins to look unreachable. It's 1 step forward, 2 steps back, often followed by guilt. When that happens, I just remember the reality of change: it's a process. So here are 4 principles from the change literature I find helpful for achieving meaningful change:

Winter landscape photograph taken from outside the author's bed and breakfast room window of snow covered hills and trees, along with an iced over lake in New Hampshire.

1) If you can do something new one time, you are twice as likely to do it again.

We learned two valuable lessons during our trip to New Hampshire. The 1st is: take the trip to begin with. The 2nd is: leave a buffer in the schedule... because of cancelled flights. We will adjust our dates next year to reduce the risk. In the same continuous improvement vein, Change by Design is also implementing ISO 9001:2015 standards for small businesses to help formalize our processes. Starting this effort is the first step, but it will take 2 or more years to get it fully up and running. These standards will help us improve even more our delivery of consistently high and positive results for our customers. I have also hired a team building coach, Ricky Braswell of Beyond Coaching, for the HY1 2022 to refine our cultural model for my central team. That way, as we grow this year and each subsequent year, we will have a solid company culture that can be propagated out to our growing cadre.

Interior photograph in St. Thomas More Church in Tallahassee, showing the new alterpiece triptich with header, made from wood with inlaid paintings.

2) If you believe that you can, you probably will, as long as you have a grasp of what it will take.

When we finally returned home, we had the chance to visit our church and see the beautiful new altarpiece at the front of the worship hall. As donors to the meticulously planned year-long effort, it was especially meaningful to see this healing recovery effort after an arson fire in 2019. Making lasting change starts with believing change can actually happen. Your organization likely starts the year with quarterly goals that include resource planning, budgets and other considerations. This is routine. Company culture shifts, however, are the most difficult to achieve, because the longer a culture has persisted, the more entrenched it is. It's simply a futile exercise if everyone doesn't truly believe change can happen, which happens a lot in established organizations. All change can be accomplished, provided there is the will to follow through. It starts and ends with leadership, who must be open-minded and willing enough to accept that they too must change to ensure organizational change… and to follow through. Without their buy-in, there will simply be more of the same, leading to suffering morale and an organization that is much less productive and effective than it could be.

Close-up zoomed perspective of the author's 20-year anniversary diamond solitaire ring.

3) The force of inertia behind a behavior pushes us to maintain the status quo. To overcome, we must exert as much or more energy into the new behavior as was put into the old behavior over the years.

Twenty years ago, before Paul and I married, we agreed to forgo an engagement ring. For us it was all about love and trust. Over the past two decades, we've continued to grow together by leaps and bounds, working hard to overcome challenges from our past to create the life we share today. It's required a lot of persistence, but persist we have. So this Christmas, he presented me with a huge surprise gift: a 20-year anniversary solitaire ring. A diamond, forged by intense pressure and heat over a long period of time is a perfect change metaphor for our life together. It brought me to tears. Transformation – whether in a person, an organization, or even mineral – takes energy. A lot of energy. Over time. Remember that meaningful change doesn't happen in an instant. It can take a year, several years, a decade, or more, so plan accordingly and keep pushing forward.

Light brown bird's nest with seven golden eggs.

4) Willpower is like a muscle. Don't use it at 100% for long - it will fatigue. But a steady 80% effort, with rest, will lead to greater willpower.

My goals for the new year are typically ambitious. In the past I've worked long hours up through Thanksgiving, through Christmas, and then non-stop through the rest of the season. However, I've learned from my business coach Elizabeth Barbour how essential it is to take time off for R&R. She turned me on to a book titled Sabbath that has helped me see down time as essential for growth…just like the research says! And I must say, it works! Using the book's analogy, if Change by Design is the goose that lays the golden eggs, and I want to avoid killing it (and myself and my team) through never-ending long office hours, we need to stick to 80% effort when working, leaving something in the tank for unforeseen challenges. In that vein, I took the week before January 1, 2022 to get ready for the year to come and develop a reasonable plan of action for myself and for our growing team.

The four principles detailed above undergird any change management effort, whether it's for an individual or an organization. I'm pleased with the gold eggs Change by Design produced this year in terms of work achieved and satisfied clients served. And I foresee many more golden eggs for 2022 as we continue aligning our business with our clients' results and using our iterative continuous improvement approach to always do better. Thank you for your loyal readership, and here is to all of us having our best year yet!

Portait of Sue Ebbers, CEO of Change by Designsigned by Sue
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Upcoming Events

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Event 1: Square image of Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce CEO Series at Hotel Duval from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 20, 2022. Event 2: Square image of FSAE Power Lunch at Doubletree by Marriott Tallahassee from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 27, 2022. Event 3: Square image of Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce 2022 Economic Forecast at the Turnbull Conference Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

Reader Resources

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Square portrait image of iceberg from TEDx video on YouTube about what 97% of 10,000 leaders say is key to success. Square image of recommended read Sabbath on how consistent rest helps improve performance.

December Reader Feedback

Feedback Quote 1: 4 Stars. Excellent content, writing, outstanding authentic leadership. What's not to love? Anxiously looking forward to the next newsletter. Feedback Quote 2: 4 Stars. Love the ways you are celebrating your team members and deepening your connection with each member.


How To Help Your Client Select The Best Modern Learning Management System (LMS) To Meet Their Needs


By: Jeffrey Johnston
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Word cluster relating to what a Learning Management or LMS system is, with a bright red highlight across the middle.

Modern Learning Management System (LMS) solutions are robust software applications that provide on-demand access to a company's educational courses, online training, or other learning and development programs. A common feature is the ability to track completed training for each learner while delivering the best possible learning experience. Although non-digital LMS solutions have been around since the early 1920's, the advent of the digital age has coincided with an increased emphasis on evidence-based performance.

Additionally, because of a combination of market influences, including the recent massive expansion of remote work, the number of solutions currently available has exploded to over 800 providers. With so many options, it can be daunting to successfully identify the LMS that meets the unique requirements of your...

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