Recently Change By Design Founder and President Sue Ebbers was invited to speak at the Professional Women’s Forum in Tallahassee, Florida.

In this presentation entitled Solutions for Chaos, Dr. Ebbers talked through some of the change challenges we face and why they are occur. She showed how savvy, smart, well-developed coping skills are the most important set of skills you can have. And lastly, she explained seven key principles from her consulting work in change and learning that will transform your ability to change.

Dr. Ebbers has been a management consultant in the fields of learning and change for over 22 years and is known by many as being an exceptional  instructional designer architect within the U.S.  She specializes in building creative performance solutions that achieve organizational impact. As a speaker, Dr. Ebbers takes often complex information and topics and weaves them into understandable, usable information and skills so that attendees walk away with a new set of tools in their toolboxes. She is passionate about her craft, and her authentic presentations don’t disappoint. 

Since 1985, Professional Women’s Forum has provided a lunchtime program featuring distinguished women leaders from our community and region going beyond their bios to provide attendees personal and professional growth through advice, tools, strategies and takeaways from their own success.