Workforce Alignment: How Do You Design A Curriculum Architecture For Three Employee Competency Levels?

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Workforce Alignment: How Do You Design A Curriculum Architecture For Three Employee Competency Levels?

To design a house, you hire an architect. An architect is someone who thoroughly understands the theory, models and strategies related to delivering a robust structure that meets the buyer’s requirements and any building codes. The same is true when designing full curricula, if an organization seeks a comprehensive workforce skill development intervention whose structure is sound.

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Workforce Alignment: How Do Research, Interviews, Gap Analysis and Synthesis Help Align My Employees To Organizational Results?

Workforce Alignment: How Do Research, Interviews, Gap Analysis and Synthesis Help Align My Employees To Organizational Results?

You likely possess a wealth of knowledge about your organization, because you work in it every day. Anyone involved in this competency-modeling process must have a full understanding of where your organization fits into its industry sector. They must also grasp how your workforce interacts with outside stakeholders. The research and interviews that are completed help to achieve a successful gap analysis, so that findings can be synthesized into targeted improvement. This is part 2 of a 3-part blog article series that further discusses how to achieve a workforce alignment to results.

Workforce Alignment: How Do I Align My Employees To Organizational Results?

Workforce Alignment: How Do I Align My Employees To Organizational Results?

Successful businesses and organizations develop and maintain a quality workforce that is aligned with organizational requirements. A systematic approach begins by determining KPIs, then measuring current training adherence, and finally designing a curriculum architecture which will effectively drive learning for employees. This article is part 1 of a 3-part blog series to help you better understand how to achieve this workforce alignment to results by following a very deliberate process.

Continuous Improvement For A Distributed Workforce: The Step-by-Step Process For Transforming Your Company’s Employee Trainings

Continuous Improvement For A Distributed Workforce: The Step-by-Step Process For Transforming Your Company’s Employee Trainings

One of the challenges companies have faced during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic is the need to provide new and current employees with training, despite being unable to meet in person. Many businesses have tried to be nimble and innovative by offering distance learning for remote employees, but with questionable or negative results. Read more about the five steps you can take to help ensure your traditionally presented face-to-face or in-person employee training will transform effectively into an online or e-learning course.