June 2023 Newsletter

June 2023 Newsletter

Many years ago, my husband Paul introduced me to the White Horse parable. The story really speaks to an old youthful habit that I have grown out of during past 34 years, of quickly declaring things good or bad in the moment they happen. If you are aren't familiar with the story, it describes how what may seem to be good in the beginning, can turn out to be not-so-great in the end, and vice versa. The parable demonstrates the concept that there really never is an end, and at different points in time, the same circumstance can be viewed as both good and bad. By respecting moments as transitory and understanding that we don't see all (or even very much) of the whole story, then we are empowered to not attach or dwell on present set-backs. Enjoy it, yes. Or tolerate it, yes. But fight it? No. By knowing that life brings us many twists and turns, delivering all sorts of results in an ongoing manner, we can reduce the urgency or concern about any one event.

Three types of task analysis: What they are, what they do, and when to use them for instructional design

Three types of task analysis: What they are, what they do, and when to use them for instructional design

Task analysis serves as the foundation for instructional design. In order to meet any need through a training or learning activity, you have to first be able to describe what you want your learners to think and perform. And then from there, you can proceed to build your training, assessment, and evaluation. But how do you articulate these learning outcomes? The answer is: task analysis. And here are the three types of task analysis, including job/task analysis, learning analysis, and subject matter analysis. Understanding what they are, what they do, and how to use them correctly can help your learning and development team improve organizational performance that increases revenue.

May 2023 Newsletter

May 2023 Newsletter

My Lead Instructional Designer Melissa loves creating branching simulation games, which aren't altogether different from the classic Choose Your Own Adventure books that my sons enjoyed reading as children. Written in an uncommon second-person point of view, the approach differs dramatically from the common first-person "I did this" and third-person "she did this" conventions. But the key focus of the stories is typically choices, which revolve around survival, sub plots and surprise... an interesting allegory to living a purposeful life.

Transforming Customer Service Through An Evidence-Based Customer Satisfaction System

Transforming Customer Service Through An Evidence-Based Customer Satisfaction System

There is wisdom in business that it’s far better, and less expensive, for you to keep your clients happy than attempt to constantly attract new ones. The adage holds true for your employees as well, because constantly training and re-orienting new hires because of attrition, is far more expensive than performance improvement interventions with existing team members. You will certainly experience cycles and periods of change, with personnel, systems and their outputs. But one technique for mitigating the risks for loss includes deploying and maintaining an evidence-based customer service and satisfaction system that can quickly identify any internal issues, both large and small, that undermine your organization’s performance.

April 2023 Newsletter

April 2023 Newsletter

I certainly don't like to dwell on the negative, especially here. But I've just got to say it: I'm ready for this pain to be over! It's so hard to put on a brave face as I soldier on through a shingles flare-up that's covered my face and threatened my eyesight. Or when that flare-up starts right after pulling my back muscle during physical therapy. Or while dealing with the relentless muscle/joint aches from the immunotherapy drug Keytruda. As a result of all this, I'm thinking a lot about pain. And it also makes me think about the motivation to eliminate it.

How To Use The 5 Stages Of Readiness For Change Management Results

How To Use The 5 Stages Of Readiness For Change Management Results

Change management is an approach to business transformation that prepares a department or an entire organization for significant upcoming change. The approach has been refined over the past 100 years and is well-suited to develop both readiness and motivation in each team member at your company so that they embrace the implementation of changes, and are able to align with the future state of the organization.